Beauty and love are stories of the soul, not the shell.

Hi, guys, we listened to many love stories, some are true and some depend on only attraction. Now we try to understand "Beauty and love are stories of the soul, not the shell." Love is not depending on beauty it’s related to our soul. How a deep love in a relationship?

So friends!!! Today I am sharing with you a beautiful love story but due to some circumstances, it's destroyed. This story is related to Beauty and soul which is more important in love.


My love πŸ’“ my story πŸ’—


A boy and a girl married each other. They both are looking nice together. The boy is looking handsome and smart and doing a good job. On the other hand, his wife also looking very pretty at the marriage time. They both are very happy as a life partner.

After one year his wife expected and the boy was very happy at this time. Time has passed after five years they have two sons and his wife properly take care of his family and now she is looking ugly and old just because of that she doesn't have enough time to take care of herself. Her all-time spent taking care of her husband and children. Now the crises so much arise in their relationship. The lady was old that's why his husband did not like her and always insult them.

At last, the boy finds a new girlfriend and shift to a new house with his girlfriend. He left his whole family without any guilt. After some time he observed his girlfriend never take care of anything. During this time his savings also lost and don't have enough job and his girlfriend also ditch.

At this stage, he decided to return his family and go back to her wife. When he reached his son opened the door and he's looking very angry on it. After one year when he sees her wife, she is looking very pretty at that time and he tries to convince them for all his mistake and want to forgive him.

Now friends it's your turn to give suggestions. Is it right that she forgive him in love? Or else. Please try to suggest...

Friends these words are related to me the Real Pain of a girl's life. I never disclose anyone's name here because my main motive to understand the life of girls that she bears in this society. This story Dedicated to all those people who never respect girls. They are those who don’t have an idea about it what they are doing in their life. She belongs to a perfect family but doesn’t know suddenly what happened. No one has the idea about their future.

I hope you like it. And I am waiting for your response and your story about Please share your story with me...



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