I can t feel attachment with any person no matter how much they love me what to do?

Hi friends, when we met someone we can't feel an instant attachment with someone. When two people meet with each other for the first time both are strangers. Is it possible to have you ever meet someone and feel an instant bond? So this is the fact that sometimes we can t feel an attachment with any person no matter how much they love me what to do?

Sometimes we also do not understand that we feel or not someone's attachment. When you feel comfortable with someone and you are enjoying his company it means you attached to that but you didn't understand. Today's I am going to share with you a story that how the people feel his love...

My story 💗 my love...

This a story of newly married couples they got arranged marriage due to parent's decisions. Her husband is a mature man so doesn't fit in his perfect partner dictionary. On the other hand, the boy agreed with his parent's decisions. So he decided he will ready to give a chance his marriage life but the girl doesn't want.

After the sometime boy has a deep attachment with his wife but girls feel good respect but she doesn't feel love for them. Time has gone passed they respect each other and the boy confesses his feelings and love for his wife. But now the girls don't understand his attachment and love for them. She always creates a respected feeling for his husband.

Lots of years passed but they didn't find their love. The girl really good care of his husband but she always thinks it's just only her responsibility. After some time they both are decided to going on the trip and when she realized his care and try to understand her lover for their dream partner.

So, I am just saying if you think that you can t feel an attachment with any person no matter how much they love me what to do?

The best solution is that give time to someone and try to understand them. Maybe it's easier to understand what is love definition for you. Sometimes Sensitive people are not only vulnerable to sensory stimulation in their environment but other people as well.

Everyone has different criteria to express his love and feelings. All people have the sense to understand love, caring, and feelings and emotions.

This story Dedicated to all those people who never understand attachment and love. They are those who don’t have an idea about it what they are doing in their life. She belongs to a perfect family but doesn’t know suddenly what happened. No one has an idea about their future.

 I hope you like it. And I am waiting for your response and your story about Please share your story with me...




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