What is friendship? Is real friendship survived in this world?
Friendship is a good relationship between two or more person who is connected through mutual affection, trust, and support. Friendship is a strong and enduring emotional bond characterized by mutual caring and respect, shared experiences, and common values. Friendship can be an essential source of support, especially in times of need, and can provide a belonging of sense and connection to others. Why are friends importance of importance in our life? Friends are essential for many reasons, but one of the most important is that they provide emotional support and companionship. Having friends can help you feel less alone and isolated and give a sense of belonging. Friends can also help you cope with life's challenges, such as illness, job loss, or other difficult situations. In addition, they can offer advice and help you see things from a different perspective. In addition to providing emotional support, friends can also be a source of practical support. They can help you with any...