Live A Happily life ever- Time To Overcome Depression.

What is Depression? Why it is occupied by more and younger people? Depression is a serious mental disease. It's a problem that no one said that he's ill. It is a mood disorder that can affect a person's daily life. It may be described as feelings of sadness, loss, or anger. Learn the causes, symptoms, etc.

When the person who suffered from this have really sad and depressed all the time. He has no right to be happy. I want only alone. He's happy with his loneliness and he doesn't want anyone around you and disturb it. Today we saw that many young people want to live their life alone and they always looking for happiness due to this depression they didn’t understand happiness is around you have to look around yourself but they failed. They are those people who can do anything. 


They have courage. They have the power to achieve as they want. But doesn’t understand due to the depression. That’s the time to recover yourself from this issue and only we have the power we can do it for yourself. No one can help we are only one to understand to yourself and try to overcome it.


Depression symptoms can vary from mild to severe and can include: Feeling sad or having a depressed mood; Loss of interest or pleasure in activities. If we talk about the symptoms of depression so the most common symptoms that most people feel sad, depressed feel alone all the time.


My life - my suffering story...


Once a girl who lives a happier life. she belongs to an upper middle family and she's the only sister in the entire family. She wants to become a good educated and self-confident person in her life. Life is going to be easier and full of happiness.


But due to suddenly come to some circumstances in her family she becomes mentally ill. Now she doesn't believe anyone and she always looking as happy but questions arise is she happy.

No, because she wants to become happy but now she alone and doesn't want to talk to anyone. Only talk to herself as her mental illness damaged her internally. This is the actual problem that damages the intellect and soul of people.


I want to suggest to you please be open to talk and ignore your past also ignore those people whom to go at this stage. See around those things which give you short happiness. Do always that work which you want to do. Maybe it will be helpful to live a happier life.

This story Dedicated to all those people who internally suffered from this problem and some are those who don’t have an idea about it and they feel they have nothing to do in their life. I feel so glad to write this story because I want to do help for these people who are suffered from this.

I hope you like it. And I am waiting for your response and your story about Please share your story with me... I request you please like and share maybe something interesting in that.


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